Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Homework # 7

Process Journal 4 Full and complete sentence. Make sure to spell check.
Reflect on your use of the design cycle. What in your opinion is the most important stage in the design cycle? What steps in the design cycle are you most likely to revisit in your process (For example will you plan and plan again, create and recreate, evaluate and reevaluate, etc.)? What was the most challenging stage in the process? How have you used your problem solving and inquiry skills in the design cycle?

I think the most important stage in the design cycle is creating. The step in the design cycle that i most likely revisit is evaluating. The most challenging stage in the process is planning. I have used my problem solving and inquiry skills to evaluate my design. I also used it to create the design. i had to see what type of problems i would run into creating and making my project

homework #6 process journal 3

Process Journal 3 Due Thursday What is the purpose of evaluating a product? Who will be involved in your evaluation? How will you use the data from your evaluation? What possible changes will you make depending on the results? How will you determine if you have conducted a good evaluation?

The purpose of evaluating a product is to see in which areas their need to be a changed or improvement, or if it is good how it is. Me my teachers and class mates will be involved in my evaluation. i will use my data from my evaluation to help me understand where in my product their need to be a change or if i have to do something differently to make my design better. I will determine if i conducted a good evaluation if there wasn't anything wrong with my project.

homework #5 process journal 2

  1. At what stage of the design cycle are you?
  2. What have you accomplished this week?
  3. What steps have you taken to accomplish your task?
  4. What challenges have you encountered and how have you addressed those challenges?
  5. How has formulating a concept helped you in the design process?
  6. What is your next goal and how do plan to achieve it?

The stage of the design cycle I am in is evaluate. Something that i have accomplished this week is completing my design folio. Steps i have take to accomplish this task was planning,creating, investigating and evaluating. Challenges i encountered was figuring out what things to add in my project. What i did to get rid of that challenge was ask others for their ideas then i will make a final choice. Formulating a concept helped me with my design process by already giving me a blueprint or idea about what am i going to do. I don't have a next goal.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Homework #4

Process Journal
Describe the steps you have taken thus far in the design process in a full and complete paragraph of 5-8 sentences. Consider the following questions: What have you accomplished? What challenges were there? How were these challenges addressed? How have the design tasks guided the development of your project?

The steps I've been taken this far in the design process is investigating,planning, creating, and evaluating my design. I have accomplished getting information on my design task. I had to find out what things i need to capture my audience attention and make the buy the CD. Some challenges that i ran into, was figuring out what the audience likes. This challenged was address by seeing what age group majority likes certain things lady gaga do. The design task guided the development of my project but providing me with the steps on creating my project,

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Homework #2

1. What is the task?
The task is to create a CD cover
2. What is the problem? How can we create a… that will… ?
We can create a Cd cover and insert that will attract a good audience and make money.
3. Are we offering a product, a solution, or both?
We are offering a product , that will be different in peoples eyes and inspiring to some.
4. How will we attract our target audience?
We will attract our target audience with a CD , that will be nice . We will also attract them by using something the audience will really likes .
5.What does our target audience want to see?
Our audience wants to see somethong they never seeen before and something they never heard of . They would also want to see how others feel about those and decide if they enjoy it or not.
6. How do you think your audience will react to this ?
I think my Audience will surprised and also happy about this music .
7.Who will the CD Cover / Insert most likey target
Anyone who listens to rap music , hip hop .
8. What do you think the outcome of the will be ?
I think the outcome of this , would be people enjoying the music. They will also listen to it alot
9. Do you think people will approve of this ?
Yes i do think people will approve of this because its something different they would b interested in
10. What is the main goal For this task ?
To complete the CD Cover / insert and making sure it catches an audience attention .

Homework #1

1. If branding targets prospects to recognize its product as having a solution to a problem, what problem does your brand address? The problem my brand targets is trying to get people to smoke their product.

2. What solution does your brand offer?
A solution that my brand offer, its making the cigarettes in a variety pack and making people feel good.
3. Does the brand clearly convey that message? Explain how.
No i don't think this brand clearly convey this message.
4. Do you identify with the message? Explain why.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Blog Entry #4.12 -progress(e)

The only thing that have been added to my cereal box front is a backround and a picture of king tut. The things that need to be added is my cereal box name.. slogan and company name

blog entry #4.10-slogans (b)

1.crunch while you young
2.munchies with the bunchies
3.the strongest tuts :)
4. Tuties is the way you go good!
5.classic,great, fantastic!

blog entry #4.9-cereal names (b)

1.tutsie tos
2.tolly tuts
3.king tutsies
4.toot and boot with tut

blog entry #4.8-target consumer (b)

my cereal box will try to attract older people. since my person is king tut young people wouldt really know about him and it might be boring to them so, i will try to attract old folks

blog entry #4.7 -image research (a)

blog entry #4.5

I am going to design a cereal box that attracts old folks. I say this because the colors will be very dull , and the person i am doing my project on is an old timer. The goal will be to grab there attention and make them want to buy and eat my product

Monday, March 28, 2011

Blog Entry #4.6- Person Research (A)

1. Name of Notable Person: King Tutankhamun

2. Web Addresses of all Sources (copy and paste)

3. Biographical Information

a. Date of Birth and Death

King Tut was born on 1343 BC & died on 1323 BC

b. Place of Birth and Death (or current residence):

He was born and died in Egypt.

c. Family (e.g. parents, siblings, spouse, children)

Mom was a unidentified mummy. Father name was Amenhotep. Later married his half sister named Ankhesenepatan.

d. Education

All the writing was in hieroglyphs

e. Occupation

The tomb was significant because his tomb was in perfect

4. Two-three Quotes (either about the person of from the person)'

"Do what you have to accomplish never give up"

"Live and follow rules don't be like my father Akenaton

5. Significant contribution(s) to World History

King Tut didnt really contributed anything to the world.

6. Ten terms related to the person

Ancient, Egyptian, Boy, King, Pharaoh, Famous,special,smart, young,talented

7. Timeline of at least five important dates in the person’s life

1343 BCTutankhamun was born in this year - his name at this time was Tutankhaten

1343BCHe was the son of Pharaoh Akhenaten, the heretic king and his wife Kiya. His birthplace was probably Amarna, the new city created by Akenaten and settled in 1345BC when he moved the population from Thebes

1337 BCAfter a reign of 17 years it is believed that Akhenaten was forced to abdicate and soon after died

1336 BCA person called Smenkhkare Ankhetkheperure took the throne (r1336 BC -1334 BC) There is speculation that Smenkhkare Ankhetkheperure was in fact a woman due to the feminine spelling of the name and questions whether Smenkhkare Ankhetkheperure could have been Nefertiti, Akhenaten's Chief Wife and the mother-in-law and stepmother of Tutankhamun

1334 BCTutankhamun was made Pharaoh of Egypt. He was nine years old. His regent was Ay who was also the Grand Vizier. Ay was also the father of Nefertiti, his stepmother and also the grandfather of Ankhesenpaaten

1334 BCTutankhamun married Ankhesenpaaten, his half sister, the third daughter of Akhenaten and Nefertiti

1331 BCTutankhamun changed his name from Tutankhaten to Tutankhamun and Queen Ankhesenpaaten changed her name to Ankhesenamun, probably due to pressure from traditionalists, reflecting the growing acceptance of the old god Amun and decline in support of the god Aten

1330 BCKing Tutankhamun, Queen Ankhesenpaaten and the royal court, moved back to the old capital at Thebes, the center of worship of the Ancient Egyptian god Amun and the power base of the Amun priests.

1330 BC -
1325 BC
The marriage of Tutankhamun and Ankhesenpaaten produced two daughters who were stillborn.

Blog Entry #4.4 -Plan (c)

The steps that I will need to take is to find out information on my person. Also I have to find photos of my specific person and get important facts on them so it can go on my box. The materials i would need is a computer.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Blog Entry #4.3-Adult cereal box (a)

1. Describe all of the ways the designer has targeted adults with this cereal box.

Answer: The Designer targeted adults by putting things they like in it such like almonds. kids wouldn't like almonds so this cereal wouldn't mostly target adults. Plus this cereal is healthy.

2. What gender of adult is targeted? What elements led you to this conclusion?

Answer: I think this cereal target more older people. I think this because this cereal doesn't have lot of sugar and things that would make u hype.this cereal is for relaxing and having a good taste thats healthy.

3. What is the advertising slogan?

Answer: "with almonds"

Blog Entry #4.1-Design task (a)

The Design task i am ask to complete is to design a cereal box. This cereal box is to honor a person from world history. We have to describe how the person is important and put things on the cereal box to explain this person. i am assigned to design a cereal box on king tut so i will put pictures and info on him on my box.

Blog Entry #4.2- Children's Cereal Box (A)

1. Describe all of the ways the designer has targeted children with this cereal box.

Answer: The Designer has targeted children with his cereal box with the swirls and coloring his words at the top.

2. What gender of children is targeted? What elements led you to this conclusion?

Answer: I think that this cereal is targeted to boys. I think this because its more of dark color and not very vibe, as for girls it would have a bunch of girly colors and drawings.

3. What is the advertising slogan?

Answer: " I am feeling think a Cinnamon Toast Crunch"

Sunday, March 6, 2011

blog entry #3.8-target consumer (b)

The tourist i will attract are tourist with sense of style and creativity. The poster will have activitys they can do and enjoy. The fun facts will tell them what good things about the place and what they are able to do there. I will target them with pictures and quotes

Blog entry # 3.5-design brief (a)

I am going to design and make a poster for a national tourism office. my goal is to encourage visitors to go to this specific place.. and promote them. also i'm am targeting grown people.. that is interested in different culture and new things. they have to be open minded and willing to learn about another country and have fun with i

blog entry #3.4-process journal1 (c)

1. i would need to choose my pictures
2. get info on my place
3. a travel guide
4. a map
5. fun facts
6. important things travelers should know

Monday, February 7, 2011

Blog Entry #3.6- Country Research (a)

  1. Name of Country: Singapore
  2. Web Addresses
  3. Basic Facts
    1. Capital City: Singapore
    2. Population:4,701,069
    3. Monetary Unit/Currency: Singapore dollar
    4. Official Language(s): Mandarin, Malay, Tamil, and English

4. Current Leader

Name and Photo: Sellapan Ramathan Nathan

  1. Flag: 6.Map of Country:

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Blog Entry #3.3- Poster research

This poster stood out to me. I liked this poster a lot because of the water and colors. I think that the man scuba diving is nice and fantastic. This poster shows a lot and it caught my attention. I think the tourist targeted by this is people that like the water to swim and explore.This poster shows things u can do in Australia

Blog Entry #3.2- Dream Destination

My dream destination is Paris,France. I would love to visit that place. I want visit that place because i find it very beautiful and nice. If i ever get to go there , i would love to go to the restaurants.I want to see the children schools and just there environment of the way they are living. Most of all i want to see the Eiffel tower.

Blog Entry #3.1-Design Task

The Design task that I have been assigned was to design a poster on a country we was given.My country was Singapore. The idea of the poster is to grab tourism attention and make them want to go to that specific place. We have to encourage and promote the country culture

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Blog Entry #2.18 greeting card 2 (b,d)

This card targeted parents for the consumers. I believed this is for parents because it is extravagant and nice. The colors and pictures appeals to them. it is simple and loving for them to receive this card.

Blog Entry #2.17-Greeting card 1 reject (b.d)

The consumer targeted by this card is adults.This card is less appealing from the other card.> I think that because this was my first card and i didt really know what to do. also i wasn't creative and just wanted to get it over with.

Blog Entry #2.16-Greeting Card 1 (b.d)

My consumer is Kids. I put this card for kids for 1 main reason. I think the colors will catch children attention and the squiggly lines, because they do things like that.This final design and my sketch look similar. my sketch did'nt really have color. but i knew what i wanted and how it was going to be.

Blog Entry #2.15-Process Journal 4 (E)

Everything on my Cards has been completed. There is Nothing that needs to be completed. They are all done.I would give my self (5-6). I think i did a good job and completed them correct and followed directions.