Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Blog Entry#2.9-Text Brainstorm(B)

1. "The moon is your guide"

2. "Enjoy the moment of the light"

3. " The moon is there even tho we don't see it sometimes"

4. "Praise the sphere up in the atmosphere"

5."Watch the full moon feel the spirit,party and eat"

6. "scream hooray on moon festival day "

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Blog Entry #2.7 -process journal 1 (c)

Some steps that I will need to complete my set of greeting cards is creativity. I also have to include graphics and things that will grab my consumers attention. I am going to use nice colors and big words so that my card can stand out.

Blog Entry #2.8 -image research (A)

1. What is the name of the holiday?
Answer:Moon Festival

2. When will the holiday be celebrated in 2011?
Answer: This holiday is celebrated on the 15th day of the eight month in the chinese calender.

3. Who celebrates this holiday? (Countries, religious groups, ethnic groups)
Answer: chinese people mostly celebrate this holiday.

4. Why is this holiday celebrated? What is the significance of this holiday?
Answer:This holiday is celebrated because believe the chang has flew to the moon, where she has lived ever sinced.

5. How is this holiday celebrated? Include any rituals, food, costumes, dance or music associated with this holiday.
Answer: When the full moon rises, families get together to watch the full moon, eat moon cakes, and sing moon poems.

6. What websites were used in answering these questions? (Copy and paste the web addresses of each website.)

Blog Entry #2.5 - Design Brief (A)

I am going to deishn and make holidays greeting cards. The goal of my project is to catch people attention.It should be able to make someone smile or happy.The target markets demographics is children. I am mostly targetin young children.I like to make them happy. somethings i consider to be important is the graphics and colors that i am goin to use.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Blog Entry #2.4- Product Analysis 3 (A)

1. What holiday/event does the card represent?

The holiday that my card represents is New years Holiday.

2. What type of images are used – photos, cartoons or graphics? How do the images used connect to the holiday/event?

Images that are used on my card is cartoons. The cartoons connect with the holiday event because it is a sweet little bear wishing some one a happy new year.

3. In your opinion, is the cover of the card attention-grabbing? Explain exactly why or why not. Consider the arrangement of elements as well as use of images, color and text.

I think that the cover of the card is attention Grabbing. It has a little bear with a fairy with a lot of stars and snowflakes. The colors bring the card out even more. The text of the card is very small but connects with the card because it is sweet and touching.

4. What text is written on the front of the card? Where is it located on the front?

The text that is written on the cover of my card says "Short and Sweet warm and sincere..." the text is located in the middle of the top of the card.

5. What text is written inside the card? Where is it located inside the card?

The text that is written on the inside of the card say "A wish for you - Happy New Year!". The text is located in the middle of the card.

6. In your opinion, does the text inside the card connect to the image(s) on the cover? Explain exactly why or why not.

I think that the text inside connects with the text on the cover because it is a continuation of what is being said on the cover of the card. Then its says happy new year with a quotation mark so it shows feeling.

7. What types of information appears on the back of the card? (Do not copy it exactly!)

Information that is on the back of the card is where the card was made. It also says what type of paper is is printed on.

8. To what consumer is this card targeted? (Consider age group, gender, race and/or religion.) What about the design led you to this conclusion?

I think that the card consumers is to all people of any ages. It is short and simple and nice at the same time.

Blog Entry #2.3- Product Analysis 2 (A)

1. What holiday/event does the card represent?

The card the I received represents Thanksgiving holiday.

2. What type of images are used – photos, cartoons or graphics? How do the images used connect to the holiday/event?

Some images that are on this card is graphics. The graphics brings out the card and is connected to the holiday because it has a pilgrim on it.

3. In your opinion, is the cover of the card attention-grabbing? Explain exactly why or why not. Consider the arrangement of elements as well as use of images, color and text.

I think the cover of the card is not attention grabbing. I think that because i don't understand the word on it. Also because it is a little pilgrim on it and a mayflower. The texts and colors are fine.

4. What text is written on the front of the card? Where is it located on the front?

The text that is written on the front of the card say "I wisheth ye..." It is located on the top left.

5. What text is written inside the card? Where is it located inside the card?

The text inside the card says "a happy gobble gobble day!" It is located in the middle of the card.

6. In your opinion, does the text inside the card connect to the image(s) on the cover? Explain exactly why or why not.

yes. I think the text inside connects with the cover of the card because it is a continuation of what the card says on the front.

7. What types of information appears on the back of the card? (Do not copy it exactly!)

Some information that is on the back of the card is how the card was printed a bar code and it also says american greetings.

8. To what consumer is this card targeted? (Consider age group, gender, race and/or religion.) What about the design led you to this conclusion?

I think this card is targeted to young people because of the pictures and graphics and its only a few words in it.

Blog Entry #2.3- Product Analysis 2 (A)

Blog Entry #2.2-Product Analysis 1 (A)

1. What holiday/event does the card represent?

The Card that I received was birthday card. It represents a special someones birthday.

2. What type of images are used – photos, cartoons or graphics? How do the images used connect to the holiday/event?

The Card is sorta of both cartoons and graphics. It has a monkey on the front smiling with a funny hat on. The photos connects with the card because it brings it out and is joyful because its someones birthday.

3. In your opinion, is the cover of the card attention-grabbing? Explain exactly why or why not. Consider the arrangement of elements as well as use of images, color and text.

I think that the cover of the card is attention grabbing. I think that because it grabbed my attention very much and it is also funny. The color ,the text and the picture it self brings out the vibe of the card.

4. What text is written on the front of the card? Where is it located on the front?

The text on the card goes from little to big and i find that interesting. It is fancy and different. It is also not in a straight line, It is all over the place.

5. What text is written inside the card? Where is it located inside the card?

The text written inside the card says "today you're at the center of attention-right where you belong! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!".The text is located right in the middle of the card.

6. In your opinion, does the text inside the card connect to the image(s) on the cover? Explain exactly why or why not.

I think that the text written inside the card connects with the outside of the card because it is a happy and silly moment and the monkey on the front on the card express it all.

7. What types of information appears on the back of the card? (Do not copy it exactly!)

On the back of the card it has a bar code and it also say where the card was made or came from.

8. To what consumer is this card targeted? (Consider age group, gender, race and/or religion.) What about the design led you to this conclusion?

I think this card is targeted for kids because it is childish and i think children will enjoy the attention grabbing monkey.

Blog Entry #2.1- Design Task (A)

In this project we are assigned to make greeting cards. The greeting cards that we are assigned to make is depending on what holiday we got. My holiday is "Moon Festival".In my card I will include who I want my consumers to be, and How am I going to grab their attention.

Monday, October 11, 2010


The poster is being made because Mr. Wang wants students to have an understanding of what IB Learners are. The poster is for anyone and the audience is everyone. The size requirements for the poster is to make the poster noticible and viewable to the audience. In the poster, the Design Elements that are required is that its supposed to have an IB Learner Profile word, a picture to represent that word, and a caption in the poster.

The Design Brief

I am going to design and make poster that will show students how to make themselves IB Learners. The paper will be recylcled and used with quick print so it won't harm the environment. My poster will be landscape and portrait so they won't all look the same. This poster will help students know how teachers expect IB Learners to act.

Areas Of Interaction

The areas of interaction that have been highlighted by my teacher for this design task is that the posters we are making must have a positive influence. The poster has to be relevant to the IB Learner Profile Word that we chose. The picture has to involve the 1 out of 5 of the Areas of Interaction words which is aproaches to learning, communtiy and service, human ingenuity, environment, & health and social education.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Design Task

The design task I that have been assigned for making posters were reflective,thinkers and balanced. I will be making 3 posters and including alot of details in them. I will include pictures quotes and be very creative.

Monday, September 27, 2010

This poster is communicators. I think that having comunication is good but it is not that important.i think the image communicate with the poster also.i like the backrong and fonts but i think it could of been better. The words on the poster are good and explains everything. My opinion is that the font could of been bigger also . It should of stood out more and be more creative.

The image shows how reflecting on things may help you. I think the image affectivley commincate with the point of the poster. It shows a good reflection and it stands out. I like the colors of the poster and the font. I think it fits the poster great. The words on the poster means alot and it is very nice. It shows what reflection can be.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

This Image shows what excellence may contain. It also shows what it takes for something to be "Excellence"!.I think this image affectively communicate with the point of my poster. I think this because it explains that excellence should be in your mind in whatever you do. It tells me that i should strive for excellence and let it be the best. The colors on the backround is a good choice to use because it brings everything out. It makes things visable and i think it catches people attention. The words on the poster are very strong and makes me think. It is also a good choice that it is on the bottom because its under the word 'excellence and stands out. I think the font should of been bigger because i couldn't really see it.